I miss Nurul. I wanna see her. Celebrate our birthdays together.
I'm ill. o0. But I think I'm going to school tomorrow, unless I really couldn't stand it. OO. I'm hungry. DC's a B. So, DO YOU WANNA B? Or not...
Aaa. Demam. Aaa. Demam. Macam bangga pula demam. ^^ Rasa sejuk, rasa panas. Rasa macam nak masuk bawah selimut. Rasa macam nak buka aircond. Demam aku tak teruk. I have to go the doctors to get.. ANTIBIOTICS. like omg, i don't need drugs like that.
Someone called me 'Azma' instead of 'Asma'. I miss home.
I feel emo. And when people ask me why, I deny. I think I've gone a lil bit crazy. Sedihnya. Menyedihkan.
Nan speak hanguk. (OTL fail)