I miss everyone. I miss my sisters. I miss my homies. I miss my mates. So today, my cousins came. Papa: Tak boleh tunggu kita orang ajak ke? Not in a rude way. It's cos we do this buka puasa thing for the everyone from my mum's side of the family and pak ngah from my dad's side of the family (cos everyone else is in Johor except for pan ngah) every year. But yeah, they came. At 2 somin? we went to Tesco to get stuff. I bought a BB Cream, gonna try it out tomorrow. But even if it works. If I go to hong kong, which I hope i will, I'll buy Dr Jart's. So anyway.. on the way home, Iman called me while i was sleeping. So I obviously had to answer. :P and I did. Then I arrived home and it was raining. I wanted to play in the rain but I had no friends. After a few, I went to buy food. So I did. Came back home and helped me mum up in the kitchen. My aunts, uncles and cousins came. (2 families) Kak Iqa helped out so I didn't have to do ...