
Continuation... Michelle Michelle, she came this year. She moved here from Kedah. I didn't like her at first, I didn't know her and I didn't like her. And that was because everyone started talking about her. Being in 5ST1, all I heard about her was from the mouth of others... it was all "She's more pro than you Asma." "Her chemistry's better than you." and all of that. How can I like her when the way people described her was by comparing her to me.. if you know what I mean. But then, she started going to our tuition AND I SWEAR, SHE'S LIKE THE (INSERT EVERYTHING NICE) GIRL EVER. She was a sweetheart. She's well nice, friendly and she just fit perfectly. I really can't imagine the whole group without her in it anymore. It would've been better if she was with us in 4ST2 and the years before that, we could've had waaaaaaay more fun. Plus, she keeps the guys controlled (random slaps and all). She was like the missing piec...