How do you go from zero to hero? No. How do you go from 16 to zero? That's the question. I am out on a mission to get my size 1x to a size way less. In 122 days, my mission will be a success and I will be getting a free spa trip. However, my ultimate goal is to lead a healthy life style, carry only the needed fat and have an ideal BMI. But we all know that there is no point of trying to lose weight if there is no will. And this is where some competition comes in. THE BIGGEST LOSER ZAGGEDANON VS CIK MINAH SAYANG 122 DAYS ALL PAID FOR SPA TREAMENT (just to make it more interesting) Do I have confidence in myself? Definitely. Am I going to win? Definitely. Our judge is Susu to make sure that we're playing fair. Updates on THE BIGGEST LOSER will be posted every Sunday with the updates of what I'm doing to win this game. I'm looking forward to it, Cik Minah Sayang is looking forward to it and I'm sure my imaginary readers are looking...