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To Susu, Ana and Iman. We believed in each other and we believed in ourselves. We got what we wanted and it may have disappointed some of us a bit, just a tiny bit (Me, ehem) but going through it with you guys was the best.

To Q, Syaza, Zarith and Hana. You guys have done your best and you guys may be a bit upset but it was still good. Just know that there's a bright future for you guys ahead. Believe in Allah and believe in yourself.

To Michelle and Derek, I wasn't surprised at all. I just wished that I could have gotten... urmm.. the same. (looks around awkwardly)

And to everyone else, there's no point of regretting. Be upset if you want to and if people are judging you, ignore them. There's a path out there for everyone and you won't become a hobo so don't worry. And for the people who have done extremely well, congratulations and I'd like to say that it doesn't stop at SPM, we have a long way to go.

Double congratulations to Susu who got Straight A+.


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