The Interview

here is a random picture UTP's Educamp post Since I got through UTP's educamp, got into UTP, now out of UTP and bored, I'd like to tell you how the interviewer made me feel while I was getting interviewed. I got to the interview room, all nervous mind you. Not forgetting my manners, I knocked on the door, went in and said Good Afternoon. The interviewer looked at me weirdly and said "Assalammualaikum." I was taken aback. Okay, my fault for not greeting him the way muslims greet each other but he could've replied my greeting before saying that. With an awkward laugh, I replied and sat down after I was told to. He asked me to introduce myself. Not writing a single thing on his paper while looking at me weirdly. And so I figured that he didn't want to know all that. So I started telling him how I was a prefect and etcetera. He then started writing stuff down. I was like "THANK GOD! I'm finally saying something right." He could...