Resting Weekend

Finally - a weekend to myself which usually means that most of it was spent catching up with people in Malaysia. I wouldn't have minded going out to be fair. It was good to just catch up with my family and friends online. I stayed in Maidenhead, and because the weather was nice, I had obviously felt guilty being inside the house so I brought my book to the river and instead of reading it, I had a nap. But it was a very good nap. 

Obviously, I'm only picking this back up after 2 weeks of laziness. Last week, I was in London for a potluck picnic. I made chicken pie for it which took forever to thicken because I had too much in the pot - it turned out ok in the end... I think. I hadn't tasted it so I hope it was alright. It was nice just hanging out with friends, but it made me realise that I'm no longer who I used to be. I used to take those opportunities to really get to know people but I'm no longer that anymore - making new friends is a lot of effort! 

So that brings us two weeks forward - I'm in my living room and my friends are currently here. Kema is working, Arif is watching football and Fawwaz is planning his running route. It feels weird having friends from uni here but at the same time, I'm so happy that they're here. I wish I had friends visiting every month - although I'm not entirely sure how Yen would feel about that.

On Friday, we went to Georgia's cottage for pizza - it was such a feeling. She is living my dream - her living room is facing a pond and I could just imagine what waking up or coming home to that t would feel like. I'd feel like I'm on holiday everyday. 

I don't know what I've eaten on Friday but I was puking all night and ended up having to stay in on Saturday despite having plans to go out. I did contemplate though - I felt like I could go out but I followed the advice of my personal physician (actually just my best friend who's a doctor and volunteered to take responsibility over advising me about my health).  I was gutted but that said, I had a lot of rest and managed to nap the whole entire day! 

On Sunday, the guys have managed to convince me to go to Hyde Park with them. I'm glad I went because it was a sunny day out. I was planning on doing some shopping but ended up just getting ice cream before heading home because shops close early here and we only got up to leave around 4PM. 


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